31 August 2009



"[B]e prolific. Keep generating new ideas for a variety of media. Don’t get hung up on trying to get your one masterpiece published or sold. If you only have one good idea, you’re in real trouble."
- Lisa Klink, TV writer (Star Trek: Voyager, Martial Law, and more)

As I approach the end of this year-long experiment--only one month left to go now--I'm thinking about whether I want to continue doing weekly flash fiction and this podcast.

On one hand, it does help me generate a lot of new ideas and try out different premises and characters; on the other hand, recording the podcast and editing the audio and posting to the blog takes a fair bit of time away from writing other, longer pieces that might actually sell.

On the gripping hand, it keeps me writing even when nothing else motivates me. And that's a good thing. Writers write.

But before I get too deep into thinking about ways I could change up the 512 format, let's have a show of hands. How many of you out there want me to continue with 512 Words or Fewer: Year 2? (I'd also like to get an idea of how many humans are actually reading these stories.)

Please take the survey or post a comment here on the blog. And thanks for reading!



Music: instrumental stems from "Chiron Beta Prime" by Jonathan Coulton, licensed under Creative Commons.

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